The Uses Of A Chiller Unit – How Does A Chiller Unit Work?

The Uses Of A Chiller Unit - How Does A Chiller Unit Work?

The operation of heavy machinery throughout the day creates the need to cool the equipment. For several years now, industries have been looking for ways to achieve this to ensure the smooth operation of multiple manufacturing processes. They even used air conditioning units for this purpose but found them to be ineffective as they were unable to cool larger spaces and production processes. Finally, after much effort in the twentieth century, industrialists came up with refrigeration units capable of effectively controlling temperatures in various industries. For those who want to know more about the use of a chiller unit, information is provided in the next section. Here you go!

Uses Of Chiller Unit

These are the following chillers purposes we have. 

Working environment

In facilities where production is carried out on a large scale, the use of the equipment can cause a rapid rise in temperatures. It can create an unpleasant and unsuitable working environment for workers. To ensure the well-being of the employees, the production units should use a cooler as it helps to maintain the correct temperature. By adding an air handling unit (AHU), chillers can provide the same effect as air conditioning. You can place these units either on top of or inside the building depending on the structure and cooling needs of the site.

Medical industry

Medical equipment must be stored at a precise temperature. For example, MRI scanners, LINAC machines, and CT scanners produce large amounts of heat that must be removed and controlled. This is why coolers are essential as they act as a constant source of cooling and ensure the efficient operation of critical equipment.

Industrial use

In industrial units, a huge amount of heat is generated due to friction, high-power equipment, furnaces, and ovens. Hence, a heatsink is required to increase the life of heavy-duty equipment. The machine circulates chilled liquid through the machinery to maintain efficiency and productivity.

Food production

You must be aware that food must be stored at certain temperatures to prevent it from spoiling. For example, storing dairy products at high temperatures is not recommended, as it causes them to rot. This is why the food industry has strict regulations on the storage temperature of ingredients and products. This is where coolers come in, as their function is similar to a traditional food refrigeration system.

Production of plastics

Most people already know that plastic is a sensitive material that can be damaged by contact with heat. That’s why you should refrigerate it properly. The temperature must be properly maintained as it determines the quality of the final product. This is where coolers come in, offering the cooling bath necessary to maintain the quality of plastic products.


High-temperature electroplating is used during the plating process. Here, sticking the coating on the metal leads to an increase in temperature. This creates the need to use heat sinks to remove heat from the plated metal.

Electricity production

Generating electricity produces a large amount of heat. Coolers are used to keep it under control. Cools components and processes by eliminating heat.

These are a few ways chillers can be used.

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