When wearing hair weave mistakes to avoid

When wearing hair weave mistakes to avoid

A hair weave is a great way to get the full cool locks you’ve always wanted. If you want them to look natural and beautiful in the end, there are certain things you should avoid during regular hair care:

1. Being overweight

Hair weave gives every woman the opportunity to realize her dream of thick and voluminous hair. It is hard to resist the temptation, so many ladies make the mistake of choosing too much hair. According to the experts at Salon East NYC, it looks unnatural and puts too much stress on the scalp, so choose wisely!

2. Omission of detangling

If you want your extensions to look natural, you should treat and maintain them as you would your natural locks. Your routine should include detangling to keep your weave looking its best. Begin to detangle with your fingers and continue working with the comb; remember the correct direction – move from the ends to the roots.

3. Ignoring shampooing

Even if your natural hair is hidden in a weave, that doesn’t mean you should stop shampooing it. Dirt, oil, and product residue constantly accumulate on the scalp and can cause discomfort if not removed in time. Shampooing should be an essential part of your hair care regimen, even if you have a weave!

4. Wearing a bandage for too long

The desire to have gorgeous full-looking hair is understandable, but you should still listen to the voice of reason. According to the experts at Salon East NYC, a regular weave can last a maximum of eight weeks. After this time, it will start to look unattractive due to new hair growth; it also damages your natural hair. It is essential to remove the hair tissue in time to maintain the health of the hair and scalp.

Stay away from these unforgivable mistakes and you will never experience any hair tie problems!

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