Several reasons to choose on-site scanning services

Several reasons to choose on-site scanning services

For organizations on the road to digital transformation, scanning all paper records is a critical step. It’s a simple decision – you want a well-oiled team that has experience handling large, sensitive (and sometimes delicate) paper records and successfully orchestrates the digitization and storage or destruction of paper originals.

Why choose on-site scanning services: 5 main reasons

1. You want or need to have sensitive documents on your premises and under control

Do you have strict regulations that prevent you from transporting documents outside your office premises? On-site scanning means your documents never leave your premises, so you’re in complete control of keeping confidential information safe and compliant. 

2. You want your documents to always be accessible to your employees

. If you need hard copies of original documents, off-site scanning will make it impossible to locate documents quickly, as it will require transporting the documents back to your office if you need them urgently.

If a scanned copy of the document will suffice, our in-house scanning team will quickly turn around graphics requests for documents scanned at our facility.

3. You want your team to monitor the scan

Some scanning projects can be very complex. Your in-house team can be a valuable asset in prioritizing certain documents, answering questions, and providing guidance on the details of scanning requirements. The advantage of using on-site services is that these instructions are immediately available, rather than relying on emails or phone calls.

4. You want to reduce shipping time and cost and minimize logistical problems

If you use an off-site scanning service, the documents are transported to the scanning vendor’s equipment for viewing. This includes sorting and packaging documents, ensuring safe transport to the scanning facility, and securing storage and access control to records once they are on our premises.

 While we take care of every step of the process and ensure the complete security of your information, our off-site scanning will incur packaging, logging, and shipping costs, increase transit time and require complex logistical arrangements. Choose our on-site scanning services instead – we can schedule on-site visits to locations across the United States to discuss all of your document management needs.

5. You have large volumes of old paper records to digitize

Are your old records too old or tattered to carry across town and back? Our on-site service is the ideal choice for scanning backfiles of old documents.

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