Paper Sewing – 6 Important Tips For Paper Sewing

Paper Sewing - 6 Important Tips For Paper Sewing

If you find it difficult to do paper sewing you might want to know some simple tips we have for you. Once you realize that the process involves making holes and then tying the paper together with a strong thread, you will find that the process is much easier. So what are you waiting for? Read our tips to learn more.

Get your sewing machine ready

First, you should prepare your sewing machine. This gear is a must to get you started. You may want to start by replacing your machine’s needle with one you think is strong enough. In fact, sewing paper can dull the needles. Therefore, we recommend that you start with a needle that is a little worn.

Stitch length

The next step is to adjust the length and width of the stitch, especially if you are working on a zigzag stitch. If the stitches are slightly apart, the paper will be less likely to tear. In other words, make sure the stitches are as large as possible.

Type of paper

Make sure you select the correct paper type. You may not want to use paper that is thin or fragile. This is because this type of paper is fragile. What you need to do is choose a slightly thicker paper to make sure the design looks the way you want it to look. If you don’t have thicker paper, you can choose thick cardboard.

Pinning and pinning

If you want the stitches to stay in place, make sure you pin and pin the fabric together. When it comes to paper, you should be more precise. Once you make a hole in the paper, you can’t put it back. If you need an alternative, you can choose bulldog handles or paper clips. If you choose a bulldog grip, make sure you place something protective underneath it. This ensures that it does not leave a mark on the paper.


Note that you cannot turn in the paper afterward. Therefore, we recommend choosing the correct side for sewing. It is not a good idea to staple the wrong side as this will expose the paper holes on the underside. If they appear, you may want to hide them with paper with glue.

Sewing curves

If you want to sew curves, ensure you don’t sew curves at the beginning of the curve. In addition, this need should not be placed down. 

So we suggest you follow these tips and techniques if you want to teach your kids the basics of sewing. After all, experimenting on paper is much better than experimenting with fabric.

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